What I look like   Staff Research Scientist


New York, NY

Email: adityakmenon followed by google.com


I'm a research scientist at Google. I work on machine learning and its applications.

I completed my honours in Computer Science from the University of Sydney in 2006 under Sanjay Chawla. I completed my PhD in Computer Science from UC San Diego in 2013 under Charles Elkan. From 2013 - 2018, I held positions at NICTA, CSIRO Data61, and the Australian National University, working with Bob Williamson and other inimitable colleagues.

Here is a copy of my CV.

Research interests

I am broadly interested in the design and analysis of machine learning algorithms for (weakly-) supervised learning problems occurring in practice. Current areas of interest include: I have also worked on (and remain interested in) long-tail learning, learning from label noise, and collaborative filtering.

Selected publications

Below are a few representative publications. For a full list, see here.

Inspired by Bernard Chazelle's wonderful idea of "liner notes" for his papers, I've included some of my own for a few papers. (Liner notes are not peer-, or even coauthor-reviewed.)
  • Post-hoc estimators for learning to defer to an expert.
    Harikrishna Narasimhan, Wittawat Jitkrittum, Aditya Krishna Menon, Ankit Singh Rawat, and Sanjiv Kumar.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.

  • A statistical perspective on distillation.
    Aditya Krishna Menon, Ankit Singh Rawat, Sashank J. Reddi, Seungyeon Kim, and Sanjiv Kumar.
    In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021.

  • Long-tail learning via logit adjustment.
    Aditya Krishna Menon, Sadeep Jayasumana, Ankit Singh Rawat, Himanshu Jain, Andreas Veit, and Sanjiv Kumar.
    In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2021.

  • Fairness risk measures.
    Robert C. Williamson and Aditya Krishna Menon.
    In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Long Beach, 2019.

  • Linking losses for density ratio and class-probability estimation.
    Aditya Krishna Menon and Cheng Soon Ong.
    In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), New York City, 2016.
    [pdf] [slides] [poster] [code] [liner notes]